Tuesday 23 September 2008

Report: Arsenal 6-0 Sheffield Utd

Just finished watching the match on Arsenal TV. Overall we played one of the best games, if not THE best game I have ever seen the Arsenal youngsters play. They looked dangerous throughout, and Bendtner and Carlos Vela were particularly impressive. I also thought the entire midfield did well passing and keeping the ball, and the defense, especially Gibbs on the left-hand side, played very well.

Highlight: The best part of the match was when Carlos Vela scored his three excellent goals. I felt the first one was by far the most impressive; chipping the keeper in that fashion is something that I can only imagine Thierry Henry doing regularly. Arsene Wenger said at the beginning of the season that Carlos Vela was more like Eduardo than anyone else, and I admit I had my doubts: he looked very impressive on the left wing at Osasuna, but Le Boss knows best and tonight he showed what he is capable of. He's quite possibly the best player to come out of Mexico since Hugo Sanchez himself all those years ago.

Worst Bit: To be honest there weren't really very many if any at all. I suppose the lads could have been better with their set pieces: some of the corners and free kicks tonight were far from top quality, but it's hardly enough to distract from the overall team play which was excellent.

Overall: An excellent match overall. Arsene Wenger said after the match that this was probably the best he's ever seen one of his Carling Cup sides ever play, and I have to agree with him 100%. I certainly didn't foresee 6-0, but it just shows how strong the youth setup is at Arsenal. If, and it is a bit of an if unfortunately, but if we are able to keep this squad together, in 5 to 10 years we could be looking at one of the most successful Arsenal squads in history.

The outlook is bright for our young squad, and I must say, it is at times like these - sitting top of the table, scoring 11 goals in the last four first team matches, and watching the youth team beat a first team from only one division below by 6-0 - that I am glad I'm an Arsenal fan. Proud to be a gooner for life,

Fab 4

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