The global financial crisis.

Take a look at the clubs who are very likely to implode in just the next year. West Ham United are owned by the banks of Iceland. And in case you haven't heard, the Icelandic economy has almost completely collapsed and the government with it. West Ham know this and have been starting to sell players to survive (e.g. Bellamy). But it won't work for long, and in a few months, the club will fall into liquidation.
But who cares about West Ham you say. Well you may care about the other club in a precarious position: Liverpool. The banks who have loaned Liverpool the money to stay afloat demanded the money back last month. Liverpool were somehow able to convince them to extend the deadline until the summer, but then that's it. Unless Liverpool are bought in the next six months then they will be insolvent. The sell of Keane back to Sp*rs is the first sign that things are getting bad for them.
Chelsea are in somewhat less deep trouble, but they too will not last. Today Chelsea's chief exec. warned that Chelsea will have to sell to make money for purchases this summer. You can read all the facts and figures at the link I provided, but basically they still owe about £350m to Mr. Abromovich. When he gets bored of Chelsea (and the indications are this is very much beginning to be the case), then he will pull out and Chelsea will have 18 months to pay back £350m: sure an unrealistic expectation for any club.
Man City will likely follow the same path of Chelsea, so they won't be too much of a concern, Aston Villa are one-season wonders and will drop back into UEFA Cup places next season if not this. Man Utd seem to be in a very good financial position, but they are not. They aren't really the "richest" club in the world, as you may have read, they merely have the biggest financial turnover of any club.
But they are in massive debts that they are attempting to hide. Have you ever heard of a little company called Enron which used to exist a few years back? They tried the same thing, and just look what happened to them. Man Utd are in real trouble. Full stop.
It has been shown again and again, meanwhile, that Arsenal use a self-sustaining financial model. We don't have a rich owner, our debts are so well managed that even missing the Champions League next season will not ruin us. It may tighten the purse strings a bit, but look at the team we have in the injury room waiting to join us: we will be fine in that department.
So assuming Chelsea have collapsed from their debts to Abramovich, Man Utd have gone the Enron route, and Liverpool are insolvent and playing down in League Two somewhere, then that will leave us as the dominant force in English football. Sure, there's the possibility of Man City being around as a power still, but even if they are, that's only one major club we have to compete against.
In conclusion, there is no reason for we gooners to feel anything but optimism. Financially we are sound, and in today's world that is massive. Sure we may be at our best right now, but I would gladly give up performances & results now if it means that in a few years we are the only big four club to still exist as it is today. So keep the faith: Arsene knows, he always has, he has seen this future for years now, and he and Arsenal are already planning and executing the great survival act that will keep us afloat in these turbulent financial times.
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Fab 4
Good read, people are too negative nowadays.
ReplyDeleteNot sure you've said anything to substantiate that Man U are following the Enron path, and if Liverpool continue to ride the musical chairs of ownership like they have, then you would expect them to have their debts bought out again. Chelsea has re-established itself as a marketable global brand in football, and if Abramovich leaves they will certainly be in trouble, but again, a marketable brand is worth something so I wouldn't be surprised by another billionaire buyout. So overall, it's a stretch to think that the current top 4/5 will simply vanish.
ReplyDeleteArsenal could be the dominant team in 2012, but mainly due to the fact that we've got talent in abundance at the 17-23 yr old level, which means we wouldn't be forced to spend big. Any future spending would likely be to add 1 or 2 missing links due to insufficient development from out current crop, whereas other teams will still be spending huge, which is unsustainable with the financial crisis.
Stretching the truth here and there to make a good story.? eg Man City. but I'd like to see us number one with our football and this current squad shows no sign of great talents to come. With everyone back fit, yes even Rosicky we have a good team in need of a few world class additions.
ReplyDeleteWhat a ridiculous article!
ReplyDeleteDream on ... Although I agree with you that the Arsenal approach of having an operational profit (income pays for cost and expenses) is sound and could become pivotal in the years to come, I seriously doubt that Chelsea, Liverpool and ManU are gonna vanish due to their financial crisis ... They have massive sources of income, they are well known brands worldwide, they will find a way to sustain their debt levels or even find new sources of income. It is naive to believe we are the only ones who are going to survive ...
ReplyDeleteGood read. And it is true, Manchester Utd. and Liverpool are in massive amounts of financial trouble. Their turnover rate is tremendous as you said but that still doesn't even come close to covering the amount of debt the club is in. Same goes to Liverpool but with their marketability, some rich ponce will buy them out. (Maybe) As for Chelsea...who knows? Roman may go at any moment or he may stay til' the bitter end. However, I do not think that Chelsea have the market power or a international fan base as strong as Liverpool. Can anyone seriously remember Chelsea fans existing 7 years ago? 5 years ago? As the world economic situation declines its good to know that Arsenal-the one good thing we all know and love will still be there to make us happy. Arsene and the club have done good by us by practicing good management as well as financial frugality. Not to mention a brilliant youth system -the envy of modern football. Clubs are seriously underestimating the power of a good youth system and in our case that is where we can count on a good 70% of our core coming from. Oh its good to be a Gooner-one who lives for the future. Gooner4lyf
ReplyDeleteLet me be honest here as well. I agree with most of you that this is unlikely, but you can't deny it is plausible. Do I think it will really happen the way I have laid out? Probably not, but the optimist in me just had to get out, and hopefully you've read a good piece nonetheless.
ReplyDeletearsenal so far, 4 me is d best club so far in premiership & have d most talented player.
ReplyDeletenot sure i agree on every point fab4. an extremely good point though is that we do not have to spend big in the coming years (when have we ever...?), whereas, especially, chelsea have to. and man city if they are to become the top team they dream of.
ReplyDeleteExcellent information. This sounds exactly like what I've been looking for.
ReplyDeleteOh dear.