Monday 11 February 2013

Has Our Winning Streak Begun?

With the 1-0 win up at Sunderland on Saturday, we have now have a 4-1-0 record the last five matches. And none of the games have been particularly easy victories. Are we on the cusp of a large winning run?

In seasons past, there has seemingly always been one section of the season, usually lasting two or three months, where we show the world the Arsenal team we wish we always were. Win after win, we climb the table, reinforce our place among Europe's elite, and justify Arsene Wenger's management philosophy.

Last season we had two such winning runs resulting first in a meteoric rise up the table from 17th to 5th, and then a rise from 5th to 3rd, solidifying our place in the Champions League. In previous seasons the winning streak often propelled us to 1st place for weeks at a time, leading many to believe we could be a serious title threat. All before our season will fall apart in the Spring.

With Arsene saying a few weeks ago that we can no longer afford to lose any more matches, it seems as though the team have taken this to heart. Since the comments were made, we indeed haven't lost. Our wins haven't been easy or against weak opposition either. Our last two 1-0 wins were against teams who, at the start of the season, we couldn't beat.

What's the difference? Why could we only manage 0-0 draws against these teams before, and now we've been able to win instead? Much has to do with momentum and confidence. Most teams are this way to a certain extent, but it seems like Arsenal are especially confidence driven. Wins build upon wins, and as confidence grows, so does our points tally. But one bad loss or one massive disappointment can shatter that confidence and end whatever streak of victories we may be on.

It's not a positive attribute of the team that we're so confidence-driven, but seeing as we are, it's important to ride the momentum and achieve what we can while we're in the streak. Here then is the real question: how do we maintain momentum despite a major setback?

One key may be experience. Whereas we used to be known as the youngest side in the Premier League, our average age almost always lower than every other team, Wenger has now opted to end the youth experiment and once again blend youth with experience. Will it pay dividends? It hasn't yet, but that is more than likely down to players' unfamiliarity with each other this season.

But it seems as though the players are finally starting to settle in, get accustomed to each other's playing style, and work together better as a unit. Cazorla, Giroud, and Podolski are getting used to playing with their team-mates. Monreal will follow. Wishere has adapted to his new peers. Walcott has grown tremendously and is now linking up better with others.

The team are growing together, and it's perhaps starting to finally pay off. Has our customary wining streak begun? With Bayern Munich around the corner and Tottenham still winning matches ahead of us, I certainly hope so.


  1. Nice post. Well organized, succinct, and though provoking. Keep up the good work.


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