Tuesday 20 December 2011

Revisiting Manchester

It was a disappointing loss on Sunday to be sure, and it is for that reason that I've delayed my post until today. But the disappointment certainly wasn't in the team - they were fantastic, it was in the match itself. It's a game we should've won, or at least drawn, and losing was a bit harsh. Refereeing decisions went against us, and City's goal came when we were still reshuffling after a change in defence.

Despite the loss it's a game in which we can definitely be proud of how the team played. There was spirit and determination, a real sense of togetherness, the defending was fantastic for the most part, and even the attacking was good.

Van Persie's excellent goal was disallowed for offside, which was clearly and incorrect decision. As was not calling the blatant handball by Micah Richards inside the box. To be fair it's hard on the referees when things like that happen in the box, and many won't call it since they hate to award a harsh penalty kick, but in cases like that I don't see how he couldn't call it.

But anyway, what's happened has happened, and it's time to move on. It really was a good game, and it sets us up well for tomorrow's fixture at Aston Villa. Villa lost at the weekend to Liverpool and don't quite look the part this season. It's a match we should definitely win, and indeed need to if we're to stay competitive at this juncture.

Alex Song will be suspended for the game due to an accumulation of yellow cards, and of course Djourou will be out for a few weeks with the groin injury he picked up, which means Miquel will likely be employed at left back (where I think he does quite well actually) and Frimpong could come into central midfield. But if everyone else stays in the positions they played on Sunday then we shouldn't have any problems tomorrow evening.

What does the loss show us about the squad though? For one it certainly shows a lack of depth in our offence, as if that weren't already evident. Someone needs to be signed to cover Van Persie, or at the very least to cover Gervinho while he's gone at the African Cup of Nations.

Also, I've been really forgiving of Arshavin and still believe that he could come back to being the kind of player he was when we first signed him, but at the moment he's just not performing. He was sent on to make an impact in the second half Sunday, but the only thing he accomplished was making some incomplete passes and dreadful scuffed shots. He's either got to improve his game quickly or it's time to replace him.

Here's hoping for a comfortable Arsenal victory tomorrow night. Till then,

Fab 4

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