Thursday 20 August 2009

Thoughts On the 4-3-3

It was a fantastic result against Celtic Tuesday night, and now we approach the first home game of the season this weekend as we host Portsmouth. So before we start looking ahead to Pompey, I thought it might be appropriate to take a closer look at our new 4-3-3 formation and its effectiveness thus far.

Obviously we've gotten two fantastic results from the new formation, but it's worked for a bit longer than that. We first saw the formation in pre-season, and since its implementation we have only one result other than a win, and that was the 2-0 reverse in Valencia. Otherwise, it has overcome Hamburg & Celtic, won us the Emirates Cup, and swept aside a usually difficult Everton. One cannot honestly say it doesn't work. But what is making it work so well?

It seems to be that the reason behind its success is twofold. Firstly, it's the best fit for the players we have. We discovered last season that having only one defensive player and one creative player in centre midfield was no longer strong enough without Flamini. Denilson, as good as the stats showed he was, could not slot in next to Fabregas very effectively. Denilson tends to want to attack, and he doesn't quite have the same presence of body to shield the back four as much as is required.

But now with the 4-3-3 we have three players across the centre of midfield; usually Denilson, Song, and Fabregas. In this formation, Fabregas tends to be the farthest forward, joining the front three in attack and linking the play up. Denilson on the left side of the three can also venture forward, but not quite as much as Fabregas. He tends to move play along nicely, but also get back and defend when we're not in possession. When that happens, the formation then includes effectively two defensive midfielders.

With two players to assist the back four, there is naturally a much better shield in place against opposition attacks, but it wouldn't work without both defensive midfielders being accurate in their tackling and not giving away too many fouls. So far in this respect, Alex Song has been a revelation in the first two competitive matches of the season. He's been strong in the tackle, imposing himself physically, and really does look the part. And regular readers of the blog will know I predicted this one; I knew that Song had what it took to play the role of DM effectively, and with the new 4-3-3 he has been able to show his worth.

So then, the first key to the success of the new formation has been players in better and more effective positions on the pitch. The second reason behind it's success has been more effective defending. And there is nothing that I have seen that has added to our improved defending as much as the pressing game we are now employing.

Tony Mowbray pointed it out in his interviews before the game at Celtic Park, and when asked about it, Arsene Wenger slyly said he didn't want to talk about tactics. That pretty much confirmed that what Mowbray had noticed was true. Arsenal had been working on a new pressing defensive style and had slowly implemented it this pre-season.

And it was clear from the Celtic match what an effect this pressing has. Our players from strikers back were pressuring the player in possession of the ball, forcing him to make mistakes or pass it astray. And if he ventured close enough to the Arsenal man, he was likely to lose possession and be caught out of position as Arsenal broke.

It was remarkably effective at Celtic, who, unlike Everton, were playing with a very physical and aggressive style. Exactly the kind of style that has given us so many problems over the last few years. The way in which we fought back, pressured and won the ball, and dominated the game against such a physical style is hugely encouraging and shows that we may have finally learnt how to handle such teams.

Overall the 4-3-3 has thus far been a success. However, let's not get too carried away. It still has yet to be tested against the very top opposition, but in a week and a half we will have just that test as we visit Old Trafford. It is then that we will find out just how effective or ineffective this new formation really is. But for now, it's working wonders; and I'm hoping it will continue.

Well then, be sure to visit our Twitter and Facebook pages and please follow and fan us; we'd love the support. Also, feel free to leave your comments below; I welcome a good discussion. Till next time then,

Fab 4

Tuesday 18 August 2009

We Will Drop Out of the Top 4? Ha!

Well, well, well; the media (and if I'm honest several Gooners as well) seemed to think we would be dropping out of the top 4 this season, doomed to struggle. But now after the 6-1 demolition of Everton on Saturday, they've been left eating their words.

Yes it's early, and nothing has been decided yet. In fact, we still could fall out of the top 4, but with a win and a performance like that you'd really have to be prejudiced against Arsenal to still be maintaining that prediction. A 6-1 win over the team directly below us in the league last season who also made it to the F.A. Cup final. Lucky fluke? I think not.

Of course, Everton were - let's be honest - dreadful. But that takes nothing away from the Arsenal performance. We dominated the midfield, passed the ball well, defended quite a bit better than most had predicted we would, and the speed of our counter-attacks was deadly. I was almost like watching the Invincibles at times on Saturday; especially during Fabregas's two goals. Overall it was a comprehensive performance from our side.

Individuals who stood out to me were obviously Cesc, with his two goals and two assists, but also Denilson, who didn't put a foot wrong that I saw, and Song, who's excellent game provided some reassurance that if we don't end up signing a new defensive midfielder in the next few weeks we just might still get along fine without one this season.

The win was the biggest opening day win in our long history, and surely that has to count for something. The last time we won so emphatically on the opening day was also against Everton, back in 2004; the height of the Invincibles' era. Now, I'm not suggesting we're going to go on to do anything like they did in the league and remain unbeaten this season, but I think it really does show promise that this season will be a good one; contrary to what the media may say.

So where then does this leave us for today's match against Celtic? Well, confidence will be high, and we know the team are currently at their best. I strongly believe that if we see a performance similar to the one displayed at Goodison Park then we will walk away victors tonight in Glasgow.

Sure, the crowd will be all over us, and the atmosphere hostile, but we've faced worse. Remember Istanbul last year when we ran out 5-2 winners? I think this team have proved that they can play well in hostile environments, and they'll need to do so again tonight to come away winners.

I'm predicting 2-1 to the Arsenal tonight, but I could be wrong. However, I strongly believe that if we keep the score close and score an away goal or two we'll win the tie. Because you've got to know that when we take it back to the Emirates, the match will be ours. All we have to do is not dig ourselves too deep a hole tonight and we'll be just fine.

Well, here's hoping for just that tonight. Remember to check out our Twitter and Facebook pages, and please feel free to comment below and share your thoughts on the matters at hand. Till next time,

Fab 4

Thursday 13 August 2009

Season Preview: 2009-10

Well, as regular readers might have noticed, I've taken a bit of a summer holiday this past month, so I didn't do any blog posts. However, I've been tweeting the entire time over at the Fab 4 Arsenal Twitter Page, so if you're not already following us, please go ahead and do so to get more regular updates and thoughts from myself and the blog. But anyway, that note aside, it's time to return to blogging with a season preview of the forthcoming campaign. I'll be looking first at each area of the squad, and then summing up our chances for the new season.

Defence was the area looked upon by many gooners at the close of last season as the part of our squad that we needed to reinforce. I did then and still do now disagree. Last season our defence was finally sorted out after the horrors of the first half of our season. We went so far in improving our defence in fact that we kept four 0-0 draws in a row. Is that bad defence? No; and it wasn't until 4 out of our 5 first-choice defenders were injured in April that our season fell apart. That signaled to me that, if we were not so terribly unlucky again, we'd be just fine with the players we had.

Over the summer we did lose Kolo Toure, but we gained three new defenders in Traore, Senderos, and Vermaelen. The first were returning players from loan who have subsequently had excellent pre-seasons, and the third player was, I believe, and improvement on Toure. Our ageing Ivorian had never been the same after the 2008 African Cup of Nations, and was looking to be in decline. We've replaced him with the captain of Ajax, a 22-year old centre-half who has a bright future ahead of him and looks hungry for success.

No, player-wise, defence is not a problem. And in fact I think if anything we've strengthened over the summer. So assuming we don't lose 4 or more of our "back 5" (counting the keeper), then I think we'll be just fine this season.

Midfield is where, if we are to make a new signing, this is where it ought to be. Not in the attacking midfield - because with Fabregas, Rosicky, Nasri, Walcott, Wilshere, and even Arshavin we're just fine - but in defensive midfield. Denilson, Song, and Diaby (if he can be kept in a defensive role) can do the job adequately, but adequately may not be enough to win a trophy come the end of the season. I think we need a new player in DM to truly have the defensive balance Arsene Wenger seems to be looking for, but listening to the latest news surrounding the club, a signing looks unlikely.

So assuming we don't get a new one, then I believe it is Song who will have to do the job. See my last article for my argument in full concerning Alex Song, but I believe he can do the job if necessary. Perhaps with our new 4-3-3 formation we'll end up being just fine. Maybe, just maybe, we'll overwhelm our opponents with our attacking fluidity and not give them a chance to attack us. One can only hope.

Up in attack we're loaded with talent and ability. If there is one area of the team which is fully strong and capable of winning a Premier League title, it is our attack. Yes we lost Adebayor, but his height and aerial prowess can be matched by Bendtner should he fulfill his potential. Add to that we've got Van Persie to be our free-kick taker and highly creative striker, we've got Eduardo to do the Henry-type stuff, and Arshavin to do - well - the Arshavin-type stuff (there's no one quite like this man).

Scoring goals was not our problem last season, and I don't believe it'll be our problem this season. In fact, with the return of Eduardo and the acquisition of Arshavin, I believe we may just have the best strike force in the country this season.

So all in all I believe we will be the top-scoring team in the league this season. Combine that with an improved defense, and a midfield that can control a game, and I predict a great deal of success this season. Yes we will have our struggles, but our team has matured in the last year, they've grown and gotten better, and we have added to the team with some fantastic new and returning players.

There is great cause for optimism this season, and those gooners who are shouting doom and gloom should be ignored. Sure we're not perfect, but looking at the squad as a whole, how can one help but be anything except excited about our prospects next season. I look to the 2007-08 season as a model of how I believe this year will be. We had lost Henry & Ljungberg (this time it's Ade & Toure) and the press were writing us off, expecting the Spuds to take our place in 4th. And what did we do? We came out, took the league by storm, and with a bit more luck, would've won it. Let's shock them all again shall we? The season starts this Saturday, and I can't wait.

Leave your comments below should you wish, and feel free to follow us on Twitter and fan us on Facebook. Till next time,

Fab 4