Saturday 21 March 2009

Slowly But Surely, We're Turning It Around...

Great win over Newcastle today and all I can say is well done lads; you've done us proud. The game wasn't an easy one, and we started the game playing very nervously; in fact the entire first half looked nervous. But then through Bendtner we got the goal that mattered, and when Newcastle scored back all it did was fire us up even more. And shortly we were 3-1 ahead and then killed off the game by keeping Newcastle chasing after the ball.

That's how to win a game. Sure, we probably should have scored earlier, and we definitely should not have let the Toons score 45 seconds after we had done, but their response after that was fantastic. The game could easily have been 5 or 6-1. And when we got the two goal advantage the team did what we've been wanting them to do all season long: when we have the lead, stroke the ball around and frustrate the other team, thus killing off the match.

We're now three points and some goal difference ahead of Aston Villa, and with them facing Liverpool tomorrow while in a terrible run of form I can't see that changing too much before the international break. So over the last two weeks our season has turned from a miserable one to a fantastic-looking one, and surely it can only get better from here.

First was the win in the Premiership over West Brom, a comfortable 3-1 win. Then a 3-0 win over Burnley where even Eboue scored. After that a fantastic penalty shootout victory against Roma really, I believe, gave the team the confidence and tenacity to push forward from there. A 4-0 thumping of Blackburn including two, yes two goals from Eboue, more than he's ever scored in one match alone in his career. Then the win against Hull (Gallas's goal was not offside if you look at the replay) and now a fantastic victory against Newcastle.

So in the last two weeks we have scored 13 goals and conceded 2. All the while taking over fourth spot in the league and progressing to the next round of both the F.A. Cup and Champions League. Add to this that Fabregas, Adebayor, and maybe even Rosicky will be back in the next few weeks, and even Theo Walcott (who was of course injured yesterday) will only be out for 10-12 days (meaning a return against Man City after the break).

With all these ingredients, including our great form, players returning, and our rivals starting to falter (just look at Man Utd today), there is no way any gooner should be anything but optimistic about the rest of the season. I believe we will finish in the top four, and we will win either the F.A. Cup or Champions League (hey, why not both?) this season. The old saying goes, "it's not how you start a season, it's how you finish." That was our problem last year, and this year it may well be our saving grace.

Don't forget, you can get all the Fab 4 Arsenal news and views sent direct to your mobile phone for free, please Click Here for details on how to try out this great service! Until next time, try not to hate life too much during the international break and let's hope our players get through it unscathed.

Fab 4


  1. Shame on every monkey that ever doubted Arsene. No matter how bad it gets, we have the greatest manager in the world at the helm. Never doubt Arsene. Nice to see Bentner doing well as well. He's beginning to get some luck that his work rate and potential talent deserves. Sam U

  2. I Agree Arsene Knows What He's Doing!

    Up For The Gunner's!

  3. Arsene Wenger = God of Gods.

    'Nuff said.


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